Family Law

We acknowledge the great distress and concern which families, spouses and partners experience in a breakdown of a relationship.

We offer a confidential, sensitive and supportive service to our clients. We assist our clients to make healthy decisions for themselves and their children.

We have extensive experience in this field. We advise on all areas of Family Law to include separation and divorce, child custody, annulment, domestic violence, access, maintenance, guardianship, cohabiting couples, same sex couples, pre nuptial agreements, abduction and child sex abuse.

In addition we offer a non-court based family focused legal solution and resolution service in all aspects of Family Law, Separation and Divorce through the process of Collaborative Practice.

Collaborative Practice is a method for the resolution of family disputes designed to achieve an acceptable and equitable agreement through discussions and negotiations. It is a process based on honesty, co-operation and the integrity of the participants – an innovative process allowing couples to address the complexities of family disputes in a non-confrontational way and without resort to the Courts.




